Like all major life transitions, adjusting to life in a foreign country is stressful. Stress can overload our nervous system and cause a variety of challenging symptoms.
When we experience anxiety, burnout, or overwhelm, it's easy to feel like something is "wrong" or that we're failing. These challenging thoughts and emotions can trigger a cycle of self-criticism and worry. But what if these feelings were actually a cue—an invitation to slow down and reconnect with the basics of self-care, rather than proof that we’re broken or that something needs fixing?
Anxiety and Overwhelm Are Signals to Slow Down
Feelings of anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm are not necessarily signs of impending doom or that we’ve done something wrong. In fact, they can be seen as signals from our body, urging us to pause and give our physical selves the care and attention we need. When we push through stress without tending to our basic needs, we risk worsening our mental and physical health.
Instead of diving deeper into the chaos of challenging thoughts or attempting to solve problems that may be beyond our control, it’s important to take a step back. This pause allows us to shift our focus from what’s out of our hands to what’s in our control—caring for ourselves as physical beings.
Taking a Step Back: A Simple Approach
When stress takes over, our natural instinct might be to keep pushing, to try and "fix" everything at once. But what if we shifted our focus to caring for the body, the "organism" that requires our attention?
In moments of stress, there are often things we cannot change or control. For example, we can’t control external circumstances, unexpected life events, or the actions of others. But what we can control is how we respond to ourselves—how we treat and nurture our physical being.
Nurturing Your Physical Self
Sometimes, the most helpful thing we can do is tend to our basic physical needs. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, or anxious, ask yourself: Am I being kind to my body? Here are a few questions to guide this self-check-in:
- Am I drinking enough water?
- Am I eating nourishing, balanced meals?
- Am I getting enough rest and quality sleep?
- Am I moving my body, even in small ways?
- Am I allowing myself to get sunlight exposure?
These questions may seem simple, but when we are overwhelmed, it’s easy to forget these basic needs. Addressing them is the first step in nurturing ourselves and bringing our nervous system back into balance.
Small, Achievable Self-Care Goals
When dealing with anxiety or burnout, it’s important to set small, manageable goals. Aim for small actions that you can incorporate into your day that nurture your physical self. Simple practices can have a profound effect on calming your nervous system and bringing a sense of relief.
Practical Ways to Tend to Your Physical Self
Here are some simple, actionable ways to care for your body during stressful times:
- Drink water: Aim for 2 liters per day to stay hydrated.
- Prioritize quality sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night to allow your body to recover.
- Maintain personal hygiene: Take time to shower and brush your teeth daily. These small acts can create a sense of normalcy and self-respect.
- Get sunlight exposure: Aim for 10-30 minutes of sunlight daily to support your mood and vitamin D levels.
- Exercise your body: Even gentle movement, like stretching, yoga, or walking, can help release tension and boost endorphins.
- Practice intentional, mindful rest: Activities such as soaking in a warm bath, journaling, reading, or going for a walk in nature can help calm the mind and soothe the body.
End-of-Day Reflection: Reinforcing Self-Care
A powerful practice to reinforce the habit of self-care is to reflect on your day. Before going to bed, take a moment to journal about what you did to take care of your physical self. This can include any of the simple activities mentioned above. Writing this down helps your brain gather evidence that you can care for yourself, which can strengthen your sense of agency and reduce feelings of overwhelm.
Using These Tools in Times of Overwhelm
These self-care practices aren’t just useful when you're already feeling burnt out or anxious—they can also be helpful in preparation for challenging events. If you're anticipating a stressful situation or big change, incorporating these practices into your routine can help calm your nervous system and set you up for a healthier response to stress.
Conclusion: Reclaim Your Power Through Self-Care
When anxiety, burnout, or overwhelm strike, it’s easy to feel powerless. However, by taking a step back and focusing on the simple, nourishing needs of your physical self, you can calm your mind and start to restore balance. Small actions can have a big impact—tending to your body is not just about survival, it’s about thriving in the face of stress. By making self-care a priority, you allow yourself the space to heal and reset.
Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. You are worthy of rest, nourishment, and kindness.